UpStackified JS Event SDK documentation
To load the non-shopify JS pixel, you can use the following snippet inserted into the <head> tag of every page
UpStackified PixelID can be found by logging into UpStackified and copying the following value

All events are tracked by calling UpStackified Pixel's `_upstack('track')` function, with the event name, and (optionally) a JSON object as its parameters.
For example, here's a function call to track when a visitor has completed a purchase event, with currency and value included as a parameter:
Add to Cart Example:
List of Standard Events:
Optional Event Data Parameters:
<script src='' async='true'></script>
window._adqLoaded =0;
window._upsqueue = window._upsqueue || [];
window._upstack = window._upstack || function () {
window._upstack('init', 'xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx') // replace with your UpStackified Pixel ID
UpStackified PixelID can be found by logging into UpStackified and copying the following value

All events are tracked by calling UpStackified Pixel's `_upstack('track')` function, with the event name, and (optionally) a JSON object as its parameters.
For example, here's a function call to track when a visitor has completed a purchase event, with currency and value included as a parameter:
_upstack('track', 'purchase', {currency: 'USD', value: 30.00});
Add to Cart Example:
_upstack('track', 'add_to_cart', { value: 115.00, currency: 'USD', items: [{ id: '301', price: 39.99, quantity: 1, content_type: 'product', }, { id: '401', price: 39.99, quantity: 2, content_type: 'product', }] });
List of Standard Events:
export declare enum TRACKING_EVENT_NAME {
ADD_PAYMENT_INFO = "add_payment_info",
ADD_SHIPPING_INFO = "add_shipping_info",
ADD_TO_CART = "add_to_cart",
ADD_TO_WISHLIST = "add_to_wishlist",
COMPLETE_REGISTRATION = "complete_registration",
CONTACT = "contact",
INITIATE_CHECKOUT = "initiate_checkout",
LEAD = "lead", LOGIN = "login", PAGE_VIEW = "page_view",
PAGE_TIME = "page_time",
PURCHASE = "purchase",
REFUND = "refund",
SEARCH = "search",
START_TRIAL = "start_trial",
SUBMIT_APPLICATION = "submit_application",
SUBSCRIBE = "subscribe",
SIGN_UP = "sign_up",
VIEW_CART = "view_cart",
VIEW_CONTENT = "view_content",
SELECT_SHIPPING_METHOD = "select_shipping_method",
VIRTUALIZED_VIEWED_PAYMENT_FORM = "virtualized_viewd_payment_form"}
Optional Event Data Parameters:
export interface TrackingEventData {
[key: string]: any;
isSyntheticWebhookEvent?: boolean;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
email?: string;
phone?: string;
addresses?: AddressInfo[];
cartId?: string;
transactionId?: string;
orderId?: string;
orderName?: string;
affiliation?: string;
currency?: string;
price?: number;
subtotalPrice?: number;
value?: number;
tax?: number;
shipping?: number;
discount?: number;
coupon?: string;
paymentType?: string;
shippingTier?: string;
creativeName?: string;
creativeSlot?: string;
locationId?: string;
promotionId?: string;
promotionName?: string;
items?: GenericContent[];
orderSourceName?: string;
tags?: string[];
Updated on: 04/15/2024
Thank you!