UTM parameters for Upstack Data Attribution tracking
UTM Setup
A [Tracking Parameter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urchin_\(software\)) is a snippet of code that you can add to the end of a URL to track the performance of campaigns and content. By using UpstackData's custom Tracking Parameters in your Ads Manager accounts and marketing content, each visitor will be informing our Pixel exactly which ad they just clicked on before arriving at your store.
Copy the following tracking parameters and add them to the Tracking settings of your active ads in Meta. These parameters should be placed in the URL Parameters field.
We recommend the following UTM parameters for best attribution in UpstackData attribution reports, we also support TW UTM parameters by default
Meta Ads
UTM Parameters for Upstack Data Pixel:
Google Ads
UTM Parameters for Upstack Data Pixel:
Snapchat Ads
UTM Parameters for Upstack Data Pixel:
Klaviyo Email
UTM Parameters for Upstack Data Pixel:
utm_source = Klaviyo

Frequently Asked Questions
1. I'm already using different UTMs, what should I do now?
If you're already using UTMs for another purpose, you can simply add these parameters to the end of that string - just be sure to write & before pasting these parameters.
2. Can I bulk edit UTMs for all my ads?
Every ad that you want to track with the Pixel will need our recommended tracking parameters in there. Good news: you can also bulk edit your ads within Facebook, so you won't have to update UTMs one ad at a time.
3. Can I append the UTMs to the Destination URL?
Meta recently published that anything in a Destination URL after the domain itself will be automatically shortened and removed. If UTMs are appended to the Destination URL, they will be automatically removed by Meta. Therefore, UTMs should properly be placed in the URL Parameters field.
4. Will my ads go live right away after adding UTMs?
Updating the URL Parameters on your ads will send the ad into a "processing" phase. The processing phase can take up to 1 hour and will pause spend on your ads while they're being processed by Facebook.
5. Will I lose social proof by adding UTMs?
On some occasions, updating the URL Parameters on an active ad has reset the social proof on the ad & sent the ad back into the "learning phase". However, social proof was often lost for ads where creative assets were manually uploaded directly into the ads manager (versus creating the ad via the Post ID or Use Existing Post method). You can add UTMs without losing Social Proof - click here to learn how.
This is not a fool-proof method, but it is the most effective method we have found for updating UTMs on your ads without losing social proof. Unfortunately, we cannot make guarantees that social proof will not be lost.
Updated on: 01/06/2025
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